Topic: State of the e-Learning Industry
Date: Monday, September 8, 2014
6:00 – 6:30 pm: Networking
6:30 – 8:00 pm: Meeting
What does digital learning look like? How can we use online sources to support learning? Do rapid-development tools increase or decrease the quality of e-Learning courses? Is there a way to enable more learning with tighter budgets?
We’re launching our program year by asking big questions and sharing opinions about the answers. Bob Mulcahy, Carole Bagley, and Mary Texer will make a short presentation, followed by what’s sure to be a lively discussion about the state of our industry.
Bob Mulcahy (McGladrey), Carole Bagley (Technology Group, Inc.), and Mary Texer (Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN) are long-time members of the DLF.
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Material from the Presentation
Below is a link to the PowerPoint slide deck used by the facilitators of this presentation.